6 Important Parts of Facebook Advertising

Last Updated on March 2, 2020

Facebook advertising is quite profitable, especially when you know how to go about it.

According to an eMarketer study, 96% of social media marketers reported that Facebook advertising has the best ROI when compared to other social networks.

Knowing how to use Facebook advertising, particularly when running a small company, can give you a competitive advantage. What’s more, Facebook advertising is a great Adwords alternative because it is not too expensive.

Having said that, this article will give you insights on how Facebook advertising works. You will gain knowledge on the 6 components of a typical Facebook ad copy, which include headline, text, link description, URL/caption, CTA and thumbnail image.

Elements of an Effective Facebook Ad

A good advertisement is dependent on the following components:


A great headline is a very critical part of your advertising campaign. The strength of your headline tends to influence the kind of action people take on your Facebook ad.

It sets not only the tone but also the expectation for what’s to come. So, without a good headline, people will not pay much attention to your ads. They will not read, watch or listen to your ads.

A headline allows your users to know about your offers, to read your content, and to act on calls to action. It is important to note that failing to write a great headline can decrease your chance of success.

Steps of Writing a Great Facebook Ad Headline

Below are things you should consider when writing a headline for your ad:

  • Know who you are talking to or targeting. It is important to remember that it is an individual who will read, watch or listen to your headline and not a market niche or a target group.
  • Understand the needs of your audience or what they care about most
  • Understand why your audience should purchase from you.
  • Understand how you will write that information into a headline that your users will read. In other words, it is critical to write a headline that will entice people to click on your ad.
  • Take note of what gives results and what doesn’t give results
  • Remember that a lengthy headline might not fully show on small screens. So, a short headline that is positive and attention-grabbing will do the trick. The ideal length for a headline is five or fewer words

See also: Top ways to get traffic to your sales funnel


You probably know the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, the first thing people will see when they decide to read your ad copy is the image. With that said, a great ad copy is one that has great visuals.

An ad copy that has an image is likely to get 2.3 times more engagement than an ad without an image. Having said that, if someone decides to read your ad copy, it is probably because the image has compelled them to seek more information.

Below are things you should consider when putting an image:

  • Use a clear image. The photo should not be too cluttered
  • Use little image text. Facebook advertising guidelines emphasize on 20 per cent text rule, which means that text on your images shouldn’t take up more than
  • 20% of the ad copy photo. An image with more text tends to get less exposure
  • Ensure that the image you use is relevant to your advertising message
  • Use images that are compelling and engaging

Facebook Ad Text

Text for your Facebook ad copy is just like your body copy. It helps to echo your headline in a compelling way. The aim of an advert is often to build brand awareness. What’s more, it allows you to tell people what you do briefly.

As earlier mention, it is important to put into consideration your target audience before writing an ad copy. In addition, it is critical to consider the problem your product or service will solve for your audience.

With that in mind, your audience should be able to know how your product or service will make their life easier, for instance. So, your text should highlight the benefits of your product or service.

The ideal length for your text should be at least 14 words, and most brands use 14 words according to Adspresso.

Facebook Ad Link Description

The next important part is the news feed link description. The link description is a supporting copy for your ad. It is more like a secondary body text, which directs your users to your call-to-action or CTA.

Link description is very effective in driving your message across to your audience. It allows you to give more information and details regarding your product, service or offer. It describes to your users the things they will access by clicking through.

The news feed link description should be between 200 to 250 characters long. If you’re looking to accommodate people with smaller screens, Facebook recommends that you use 30 characters. Remember to use words that will compel people to respond.


Subtitles, also known as captions, are important for Facebook video Ads. According to Facebook, about 85% of Facebook videos are normally watched without sound. 76% of their video advertisements require sound to be understood.

Therefore, if you are using video ads, it is advisable that you use captions so that your audience can watch them with the sound off. The process is hassle-free. Facebook will add the subtitles to your Videos automatically.

So, remember to add captions when you are ready to start advertising.


Another important part of your Facebook ad is the call-to-action. A call-to-action button is good for click-through rates. What’s more, Facebook users are more likely to take action when they are prompted to act.

Therefore, your ad copy should always include a call-to-action button. You can also use a call-to-action button within the image thumbnail to get more clicks.

Final Thoughts

Facebook has over 2 billion users daily. Therefore, familiarizing yourself with Facebook ad targeting would be a good idea. Facebook targeting options allow you to get your advertisements to people you care about.

However, it is critical that you make an advert that will compel your users to take action. With that in mind, the information above on important elements of creating a Facebook ad copy will certainly be of help.

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